$25 $12.50
Adox Adotech Developer Designed for use with Adox CMS II black & white negative films, this 100ml bottle of Adotech CMS IV is a liquid concentrate film developer that improves upon previous iterations of Adotech CMS by providing greater shadow detail and tonal separations for more pictorial and longer-scale results. By using this special Adotech Developer,…
$43.99 $22
Bellini Kit C-41 Negative Film Processing Kit contains products to make 1 liter of Developer – 1 liter of Bleach-RA – 1 liter of Fixer RA and 10 liters of Stabilizer. Bellini Foto has been operating in the field of photo chemistry since 1988. They want to preserve and pass on the precious experience of…
$25.88 $12.94
The correct development kit for all Kodak Vision 3 cinema films. The ECN-2 Processing Kit comes in 0.5 liters, good for 8 rolls of film. Included in the kit is everything that Kodak recommends. Prebath Developer Stop bath Bleach Fixer Stabilizer Results achieved by using a real ECN-2 kit for cinema film cannot be replicated…
$81.95 $40.98
Ilford 2000 RT is a liquid concentrate developer for high temperature, machine processing of traditional resin coated (RC) black & white photographic paper. Compatible with all types of paper processing machines, once diluted 2000RT can be used as both the process tank and the replenisher solution. They are particularly recommended for use with the past and…
$78.95 $39.48
Ilford 2000 RT is al liquid concentrate fixer for high volume machine processing of resin coated (RC) black & white photographic papers. Compatible with all types of paper processing machines, once diluted 2000RT can be used as both the process tank and the replenisher solution. 2000RT FIXER is a non-hardening rapid fixer and should not…
$36.95 $18.48
Ilford Ilfotol is a non-ionic wetting agent used as a final rinse before drying films. It can be used in all manual and machine processes to greatly reduce the risk of drying marks being formed. It can also be used as a final rinse before drying fibre based prints to provide rapid, even drying. Ilfotol…
$30.95 $15.48
Formulary s 130 Paper Developer is a superb paper developer that produces a full scale of rich blacks. The developer has an excellent shelf life, high capacity and is very suitable for batch processing. The prints obtained with F130 are surpassed only by the Amidol Developers, however F130 is much more pleasant to work with….
$12.95 $6.48
Formulary s Fixer Test Solution is used to tell when a fixer bath has become exhausted by accumulating excess silver ions. Unlike developing solutions, which discolor when they are exhausted, fixer baths show no outward appearance when they are spent. Therefore it is necessary to either keep an accurate count of the number of prints…
$12.95 $6.48
Formulary s Residual Silver Test is used to determine If any silver ions remain in a print or on a film strip after fixing. When the silver test solution is applied to photographic material the sulfide ions in the solution react with any residual silver ions in the material forming a yellow stain indicating the…
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